
Average score 542 Reviews
Christophe PINO noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Impeccable welcome Fresh and very good products (Original) Accueil impeccable Produits frais et très bons

5 months ago
tiffany stouls noted on Google

5 months ago
Jacky Guo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The best sushi shop in Gradignan! Every sushi made by the Chief feels full of love. I heard that sushifou’s slogan is world peace, so I strongly support them! Thank you for their help to our poor families! It was their arrival that made my life in France full of color and vitality! The food made by one of the chiefs, Guo, makes me want to go back! Strong support, the best Sushi shop! (Original) 整个Gradignan最好的sushi店!每一位Chief做出来的sushi都感觉到充满了爱,我听说sushifou的s slogan是世界和平,大力支持他们!感激他们对我们贫困家庭作出的一些帮助!是他们的到来让我在法国的生活充满了色彩与活力!其中一位chief Guo做出来的食物令我流连忘返!大力支持,最好的Sushi店!

5 months ago
Jean-Baptiste Graire noted on Google

5 months ago
virginie Bx noted on Google

(Translated by Google) We love (Original) On adore

6 months ago
Corinne Ondriozola noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Quality and plentiful products. We enjoyed ourselves (Original) Produits de qualité et copieux. On s'est régalé

6 months ago
Patrick Veyssière noted on Google

6 months ago
Patrick Bernard noted on Google

(Translated by Google) An excellent, very warm welcome and a very good choice of quality products (Original) Un excellent accueil très chaleureux et un très bon choix de produits de qualité

6 months ago
Daniel QUEYROI noted on Google

7 months ago
Ludovic Peine noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Always very well received with a smile. The food is very good, well prepared. Takeaway possible, quick because we rarely wait more than 15 minutes. Also the possibility of ordering by telephone to save time. The room is small but pleasant if you prefer to eat on site. A little must-see in Gradignan (Original) Toujours très bien accueilli avec le sourire. La cuisine est très bonne, bien préparée. Vente à emporter possible, rapide car on attend rarement plus de 15min. Également la possibilité de commander par téléphone pour gagner du temps. La salle est petite mais agréable si on préfère manger sur place. Un petit incontournable sur Gradignan

7 months ago

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5 place des Augustins
33170 Gradignan, France

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